Transmission Portfolio
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Description & Challenges

This project involved Design and Construction of approximately 105 kilometer of 380 KV Overhead Transmission Line Double Circuit, Vertical Configuration, On Saudi Electricity Company Design of Family of Latticed Steel Towers between existing Structure S1N, TA1N, TA2N, TA3N and DE using four (4-1080 mcm ACAR) conductor per phase in diamond configuration and two 48-Core, non-zero dispersion shifted single mode of OPGW.

An interesting project involving tower spotting in the given survey data /coordinates, the challenge being that most of the line route were too steep and that to at a highly elevated hill with a given Right of way (ROW). The maximum of TL portion is at almost 2000m height from MSL.

DAR team carried out the design with special focus on optimization which was critical in the given hilly terrain. The design was implemented with a very good note from the client.


Complete design & Engineering services for Transmission Lines Works (Electrical & Civil design) till As Built Stage including Preparation of T/L route, Plan and Profile Drawings with spotted structures , Structure List , Sag template Curves, Grounding System Design for Structures, installation of OPGW joint Boxes on Latticed Steel Structures, Selecting OPGW Joint Boxes Locations, Sag and Tension Calculations for Conductor & OPGW , Stringing Sag and Tension Charts, Foundation Design Calculation & Drawings for structures, Access road ; Finger roads and Structure Pads design , crash barriers protection design and Preparation of B.O.Q, verifying technical compatibility of Vendor equipment's and materials, support in meeting with Saudi Electricity Company.